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More about 'Proofs'

'Proofs' are the photographs you get to help you pick from all the photographs taken, those that you want in your final album.Typically these used to be small prints, sometimes presented in a folder, or even in a shoe box!

With the growing popularity of PCs and DVD players we provide the proofs on CD (or a video-CD that you can play on a DVD player with your TV). The advantages of this to you are that you can view the prints much larger on a screen, you can email them to friends and family, and you get to keep the CD, .... Note that the images on the CD are sized for optimum viewing on a TV / PC or the web at 72dpi.

The advantages to us (and ultimately to the quality of the final album) is that all the images are from a digital source or are scanned and can be digitally manipulated if required. This includes any cropping, converting to black and white or sepia, 'opening' closed eyes etc.

Please contact us for a sample CD or DVD: we'll be happy to send one out to you.

As an alternative to this we can provide a 'contact' print: Several small photographs on one page. Here is a sample page: the actual size is A4.